Our engineers in Croatian media
Guest appearances of our engineers on TV channels N1 and NovaTV

During January and February, Gark Konzalting engineers had several media appearances on TV stations such as N1 and NovaTV. CEO Krunoslav Komesar commented on the issue of damaged buildings in the show Novi dan on TV channel N1. You can read more about his review here. Furthermore, our young engineer Andrija Stipić was a guest on News of TV station NovaTV, where he expressed his opinion on the post-earthquake reconstruction of Zagreb, and numerous buildings in the center that are still awaiting adequate sanation. You can find the entire interview in the following link.
We are always happy to futher the knowledge of general public and inform citizens about problems and important tasks of the civil engineering profession in their daily lives. That is why we gladly accept such guest appearances and we hope that we will have the opportunity for something similar in the future.