Founding of Croatian Earthquake Engineering Center – Intervening Service
As a part of the 8th Congress of Croatian Builders, the association Croatian Earthquake Engineering Center – Intervening Service was founded.

On 5th October 2021 in Vodice, as part of the 8th Congress of Croatian Builders, the association Croatian Earthquake Engineering Center – Intervening Service (croatian acronym HCPI-IS) was founded.
Following two major earthquakes, the one in Zagreb and the one in Petrinja, 18 months after the initial idea that our Krunoslav Komesar suggested to prof. Josip Atalić – while the improvised HQ was still located in the bunker of the building of Office for emergency situation management in Branimirova ul. in Zagreb, our hopes and efforts finally got an epilogue – HCPI was officially founded!
HCPI-IS establishes itself as one of the constituting divisons under the umbrella of Directorate of Civil Protection MUP RH, likewise to HGSS – Croatian Mountain Rescue Service, Croatian Red Cross and other emergency and intervention services. HCPI-IS engagement is meant for situations of major natural disasters and in general - major disasters when a large number of buildings are damaged - and requires a quick reaction of engineers who will expertly inspect the buildings and give a quick assessment of their usability. The work of all engaged members of the HCPI-IS association, similar to the work of the HGSS, will be voluntary.
Official founders of the Center are all engineering chambers, technical universities, expert engineering associations, Croatian Society of Court Experts and Appraisers as well as some individuals that showed their support through both earthquakes – which comes to 40 founders in total!
With this decision, the selfless work of more than 600 engineers in Zagreb was made worthwile, as well as the work of more than 1.700 engineers working in Banovina on conducting rapid inspections of buildings damaged in earthquakes, and numerous other engineering jobs that supported local self-government.
Government representatives also attended the founders Congress ceremonial assembly as guests – minister Darko Horvat, director of civil protection Damir Trut and many others. Together with the founders, there were more than 100 guests!
It is our great pleasure to have taken part in this celebration and to have given our contribution in the realization of founding and work of HCPI-IS.
We want to express immense gratitude once again to everyone that helped and took part in all the engineering jobs to do with earthquake relief in Zagreb and Banovina!